One thing that most people do not know is that congestive heart failure does not happen suddenly. It is a process that takes time, so there is always a chance to combat the problem. The heart continues to pump blood but not as efficiently as it should. Therefore there is always the scope of making lifestyle changes and stopping the issue's onslaught. Here we will tell you things you can do to avoid congestive heart failure.
Reduce fluid consumption
In situations like cold, the doctors suggest consuming fluids. However, when it comes to heart conditions, you will have to limit fluid consumption. A lot of patients suffer from swelling due to unnecessary fluid retention. Swelling is usually seen in the abdomen, feet, and legs. Fluids can also accumulate in the lungs as well. Hence limiting the fluids is something you should consider doing.
Weighing yourself regularly
It is advisable to document your weight regularly. Any sudden increase means there is some sort of fluid accumulation in your body. When that happens, the doctors would have to find out the cause. Mention to the doctor any sudden increase of 2 pounds or more.
Reducing sodium consumption
Reducing sodium is the best way to control any Ejection fraction or heart conditions. Just by doing this simple thing, you can lower BP, improve the health of blood vessels, and reduces the stress experienced by the patient. Consumption of fresh foods like fruits and vegetables would automatically reduce the body's sodium content.
Cleanliness around you
Just by maintaining a clean environment, you could keep all the problems away. Reduce the humidity and dust around the patient as they could cause breathing difficulties. You could also elevate their heads and shoulders while sleeping. If there is any person with a cold and cough, the heart patient should also stay away from them.
Dress carefully
There are specific protocols you can follow while dressing up. Avoid any tight socks and stockings, as they could inhibit the blood flow toward the legs. Plus, the accumulation of blood could cause clots which can be another pain. Avoid going from cold to high temperatures or vice versa. If it is cold outside, wear layers so you can add and remove them accordingly.
Sleeping properly
By following a strict sleep schedule, you can keep your heart in good health. Resting reduces the heart rate and gives it enough time to recover. If you are unable to sleep well, do the following:
Practice light exercising
Reduce your alcohol intake
Avoid having caffeine
Have a pre-sleep routine like bath, listening to music, or reading books
Summing up
Taking care of the heart is very important. Any malfunctioning can have drastic consequences. Follow the above tips to keep any problems away. A reliable cardiologist would tell you other precautions that you could take. At any time, if you feel any symptoms of heart problems, rush to the hospital. Timely intervention would ensure that you would not have to face severe impact.
You can contact Dr. Raghu and team for any clarifications on heart disease, the Best Cardiologist in Hyderabad, Telangana. Also, he is the Best TAVR Expert in India and TAVI Expert in India.
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